Saturday, August 27, 2011

Must Visit the Mouse

I don't know what is taking my siblings so long, contacting their large rodent cousin, but really, they need to hurry up. We need to depart right away to visit him. Frankly, we ought to have left yesterday to visit him. Not only did the humans have to go visit that ill relation yesterday, with a possible return trip tomorrow or Monday, but that relation of a relation also managed to die. I'm sure he'll insist upon having a funeral too, which can only lead to great inconvenience for me. I'm sure the human will offer to dog and cat sit, and who knows if the dogs are the civilized sort or not? Their cat siblings have their own feline apartment, after all, so they might have failed to introduce their siblings to decent behavior. Yes, I definitely have to leave right away, before anyone gets the idea into their head that I should devote my time to possibly reforming any delinquents.

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