Friday, July 29, 2011


The human returned from the waterpark a bit ago. On the up side, she didn't go to the one her cousin owned, not that that prevented her from encountering relations. I'm not even going to find out what she discussed with that batch. They are an entirely bad lot, who seem to love encouraging the growth of that tree. But there was worse news than the relative encounter. The human returned as red as a LOBSTER! In general humans aren't the most attractive, with their horrible lack of fur and all, but this lobster look makes things even worse. And, to somehow make the thing even worse, something I wasn't sure was possible, the human is in pain, and is reluctant to wear clothing over her horrible red coloring. So there is every indication that I will be forced to see an unclothed human for who knows how long. My feline sensibilities might never recover from the sight of such horrible furlessness!

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