Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Pandas

More pandas arrived today for the flooring party. Really, what in the world are the airports thinking, allowing so many of those giant creatures to just stroll onto flights without a bit of proof that they are traveling in some sort of official capacity as ambassadors? I'm sure they should have called someone to check. But no, they couldn't be bothered. I would have hated to have been on the flights with the pandas. The noise of sipping of tea would have driven me mad for sure. So now every chair in the back yard has a panda in it, anxiously awaiting the start of the flooring party. Which is scheduled to begin tomorrow afternoon, I am very sorry to say. My panda siblings got an email from the red pandas at the zoo, to let them know they will be sailing off as soon as darkness falls tonight. With several stops to raid peoples' bamboo patches along the way, they should be here by afternoon. And then the munching will begin. And how I will sleep, I have no idea!

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