Sunday, July 24, 2011

More Country Horrors

I forgot to mention it last night, so I'll horrify you today with further news from the country. The bunnies spotted one of our new rabbit neighbors, undoubtedly hopping back from a visit to poor Farmer Turley's tomato fields, which I am sure are not supposed to be a buffet, no matter what the bunnies think. You would think the lack of forks and napkins would clue them in, wouldn't you? Anyway, they promptly introduced themselves to the new rabbit, and invited her to drop in, with all of her bunny friends for the cottage warming party. And this rabbit agreed to be there, and to even bring food! Rabbit food! I can't believe this. The only thing there will be to eat at that party will be carrots and purloined tomatoes, I am sure. And what in the world will I do? The bunnies will demand that I munch something down, so as to not appear RUDE!

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