Sunday, August 2, 2009

Catnip and Cucumbers

To make matters worse, the feeding with that milky mixture is encouraging cucumber growth, and they're heading right for my catnip patch! On of them even tried to grab on to some of the leaves of my crop this afternoon. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to defend the catnip from the bunnies' invasive plants? Perhaps helping them head for the neighbors' dwelling is the lesser of two evils.


  1. If you think of a solution, let us know. The grape vines around the pool are taking over everything.

  2. Oh, Miss Lori, don't mention such things! If the rabbits find out you have grapes, they'll no doubt want you to send them down here right away for jams and jellies!

  3. We have grapeVINES but not really any grapes. I don't know what kind they are or are supposed to be, or how to cultivate them. They grow a bunch of tiny clusters of tiny and very sour grapes. Not for people-eating, and apparently even the birds don't want them.

  4. Rabbit grapes. They say to send them right down, then, and they'll take care of them
