Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day Apologies

It's a bit late but I would like to apologize for the Valentine's Day incident, although I really don't know why in the world you people keep trying to celebrate this holiday. Cupid is sure to sue you for endangering him, by making him fly about with Betsy Bear on a rampage. Anyway, Betsy has declared Valentine's Day a total success once again. If you're missing a candy filled heart, the remains are in the back yard, the same place as last year. Please remove them quickly before the bunnies come up with some idea for using them for gardening. And as for those of you who were foolish enough to get married yesterday, and there were a lot of you from what the television showed, honestly, you were just asking for what happened, now weren't you? Anyway, I do hope you didn't rent your cake stands, because the bunnies have already claimed them to hold plants. As for your toppers, the bunnies prefer gnomes for the garden, so come and collect them quickly before they start to remodel on them. Really, maybe next year you people will finally learn, and will spend the day hiding in your houses, so Betsy can't rob you blind.

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