Sunday, June 19, 2011


First thing tomorrow, I am going to file that suit against Nick, and all of his relations for their horrible infliction of bad luck. Really, it will be worth having to go so near the genealogy archives just for the chance to see that cat punished for all of this. Maybe I can even convince someone that causing so much bad luck is a crime, and he should be drug away to jail for a sentence of several of his nine lives? Oh, that would be truly funny! I just can't believe that horrible feline and his delinquent relatives did what they did to the egg hunt. Okay, I wasn't looking forward to being forced to hide eggs, but after all the trouble the bunnies made me go to, having to attend that class on egg hiding, I should have at least been able to use my new skill. I have a diploma and everything, presented to me by the head bunny, after all, even if it was an embarrassing experience on stage with all of those baby bunnies. Yes, Nick the Cat is going to pay for this. I wasn't forced to all of that trouble just to give him the pleasure of spoiling things with his bad luck talents!

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