Saturday, April 28, 2012

Plant Sale

The bunnies went to that awful plant sale, and it was even worse than I feared. They came hopping home with a green zebra tomato, the plant they plant to feature on the front cover of their first bunny novel. Needless to say, they were thrilled to find the plant, and are even talking about purchasing a special pot for it to live in! Nothing good is going to come of that, and as if the fact the bunnies want to put this plant on a book cover isn't bad enough, then there's the fact that it's sure to attract zebras. They're probably on their way over, even as we speak. It wouldn't surprise me at all. The plant sale was alarmingly close to the zoo, so the zebras there probably already know of the bunnies' purchase! And what in the world am I to do, when the back yard is full of a zebra herd, I would like to know!

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