Thursday, April 26, 2012


The bunnies used what I thought was shredded cheese to lure me into the bunny movie this morning. It looked exactly like cheese, but when I got close enough, would you believe that it was carrot slivers? But by the time I realized, it was too late, and the bunnies had me. Really, I have never seen such a frightening movie as their leader's film. I don't know why in the world it isn't rated R or possibly X. Did you know that the rabbits have an entire island that serves as bunny headquarters? It's a frightening place called Easter Island. Oh, I would never want to go there, and I hope none of my readers are ever forced to visit this place either. All of the rabbits, hopping everywhere, and the entire island is probably packed with nothing but vegetables. Who in the world let the bunnies take over an entire island to serve as their kingdom?

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