Monday, April 13, 2009

The Librarians have Lost It

Well, the librarians have obviously lost their minds, probably as a result of having to process some of my human's stranger book orders. They have actually put together a display case filled with books about gardening and various vegetables! They are roughly two blocks away from our house, which is barely a decent hop for my bunny sisters. I wonder if I should call the funny farm on those librarians right now. It would really save them some suffering later. I saw the bunnies hopping about, dragging out sacks for books, and they were measuring the baby bunnies. I think they're planning to lower them in through the book drop so they can pass the display books out that way. I am missing a ball of yarn that I suspect was snitched for lowering purposes. Poor, poor librarians. They're going to come in and find their entire display that they worked so hard on gone. Of course, I suppose it DOES serve them right for making such a foolish thing so close to bunnies. What in the world WERE they thinking?

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