Monday, April 27, 2009


Should I suggest my neighboring cat friends get their pawprints taken right away? I've been doing some more looking at the bunnies' horrifying garden plans and I'm very concerned that my fellow felines might all be going missing soon, lost in a sea of vining plants. Perhaps pawprinting would help the police to find them.

The bunnies moved some of the zucchini to the little bowls this afternoon, and they're currently taking up three of them for a guestiment of sixty seedlings. And of course, no sooner did they move the zucchini seeds out than they popped in packs of more zucchini, sugar peas, onions and 20+ pumpkin seeds. I wonder if our neighbors have insurance? Did you know squash can send out twenty foot long vines? And watermelon can take up 100 square feet?

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