Friday, March 4, 2011

Map Horror

I have some horror involving maps that I ought to report too. The human is planning on passing out a map of the family cemetery locations in the goodie bags, in case they go visiting the graveyards as part of the festivities. She wants to make sure that people won't get lost if they end up separated somehow. Anyway, she has pre-printed maps, and now she's planning to add little numbered stars representing cemeteries to customize the maps. And, of course, the bunnies offered to help. And, of course, like always, they have plans to draft me into this. Josie Rabbit just hopped in, and informed me that I have been assigned the number 5, which means I will be stuck forever between two rabbits, being forced to stick a star with a number on a map, while the bunnies insist I stick faster to keep the line moving!

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