Thursday, March 3, 2011

More Work Planned

Every time I turn around, it seems like some other horror rears its head. I just checked the human's Amazon browsing history, and found that she has been looking at nametag kits, to lag to the reunion. Normally, I wouldn't have worried about this, since hopefully the things would be constructed on the computer, and wouldn't involve work for me, but then I found the bunnies working on another list! Apparently, the human is wanting to do something with the badges, using different colors to identify people from different branches of that horrible tree at the family reunion, which means that assembling the awful things by hand is called for! The bunnies are hard at work, designing a color code, and figuring out who will be doing what on the nametag assembly line. I fear that my name is on that list somewhere as a colorer, or possibly a cord inserter!

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