Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What the Easter bunny Brought

The Easter Bunny hopped by and dropped off another rabbit, this time one of his personal bunny servants! Oh, I can't imagine a worse sign. If he's dropping off one of his personal servants, that must mean he's very impressed with what my delinquent rabbit siblings are plotting. And what they have planned is the stuff of nightmares. They're going all out on that egg hunt for the family reunion. They've already started to stuff the eggs they got with cash, as gifts for the children. Oh, if they know there's money involved, they'll want to hunt those blasted eggs for sure! The egg hunt will be an awful success! And then there's the issue of who will be hiding those eggs. I happened across a picture they drew for the planned hiding job, and I don't like what I saw. True, the picture had a lot of potential hiding places illustrated, but then the bunnies had drawn ME, with a pair of fake rabbit ears on my head, dragging a basket full of eggs around for hiding purposes! They're planning to make me work! They're planning to make me an honorary rabbit! And the more help the Easter Bunny drops off here, the more likely those bunnies are to succeed!

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