Monday, May 30, 2011

Egg Hiding 101 Lesson 3

My egg hiding humiliation continues. I couldn't even bring myself to speak of the horror that was my third lesson until now. For the third lesson, we had to hide an actual egg. First off, there were rabbits everywhere during this, with all of the parent bunnies taking pictures of their offspring hiding their first egg. And of course my rabbit siblings just had to get into the act, showing up, and letting everyone know they were with the cat. Totally embarrassing. Anyway, I got a B on my hiding place. Honestly, I think I should have gotten a higher mark. The place I hid my egg was excellent. I buried it in a pile of mulch around a tree, but the head bunny said that digging eggs in isn't an established egg hiding practice, and knocked off points. Have you ever heard something so unfair? I didn't get a shovel and bury the thing six feet under! It was covered with a light sprinkling of mulch, is all, and would have been found by a child showing some care! A B! That hiding place should have been an A for sure!

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