Monday, July 20, 2009

Tomato Festival

Those insane humans up in the country are having a festival in honor of the tomato. Obviously the incidents last year have slipped their minds is all that I can say about that. Betsy was very pleased to see the info on it, and I'm shuddering to think of what will happen when she gets to the Civil War reenactment. Those people do such a poor job of guarding their cannons and other firearms it isn't funny. I can only assume that the people who took part in the actual Civil War did much better, or else there wouldn't have been a whole lot of warring due to weaponry being made off with by Betsy's ancestors. Those poor lake bears. Obviously the people in charge of the Civil War stuff are kin folk to our neighbors who never guard their boat. Betsy's anticipating equipping it like a proper pirate vessel now. Those poor lake bears, and pretty much anyone in the vicinity is doomed.

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