Monday, March 26, 2012


Doomed, I'm doomed! My poor, poor paws. The bunnies went through with their threats to force me to cooperate with story-hunting, and now the human is happily typing in her frightening works, so she can figure out how many pictures she will need to have the horror illustrated and then published! Tales of Betsy Bear could be coming to a shelf near you, soon! Really, isn't there some sort of law somewhere about putting such frightening things into print where small children can read them? One of the books features Betsy Bear loose on Halloween! Isn't it bad enough that the poor children have to be robbed by that bear without being forced to have her antics appear in print, too? Doomed, doomed, doomed! The human's already emailed one person about illustrating, and tomorrow she plans to look for more. Those things are going to end up published for sure, and I don't want to think about how encouraged Betsy will be by it. And then once they are published, the selling work will start! The bunnies have already informed me that I have been marked down to poke the price tags onto the books. I don't want to touch stickers! Do you know what stickers do to fur?

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