Saturday, February 5, 2011

Goodie Gathering

I'm very sorry to announce that the human's work on those horrible goodie bags is proceeding well. She came home today toting giant amounts of brochures and coupons to be poked in there, and she has plans to look for more in the next day or so. That many coupons and discounts are sure to attract plenty of relations to that horrible reunion, and even worse, it will keep them hanging around longer, which will only give them more time to contribute to the growth of that horrible family tree. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to prevent this? There is way too much paper to eat.g


  1. Maybe you can hide the bags opposed to eating them??

  2. Hiding might work, but the problem is that the human is going to be making over 90 bags, and she already has a ton of things to go into the bags. I'm not sure where I could hide that much stuff. Not to mention, if it went missing, I'm sure those pesky rabbits would hop right to helping the human look for the missing supplies.
