Monday, May 18, 2009

Mountain Crime Spree Part 1: The Bunnies

There was a crime spree on such epic scales I can't even imagine how to describe it, but first, the bunnies. I thought I had taken the necessary precautions to prevent the bunnies from robbing the mountains of every berry bush up there. I emailed a couple of dogs who live down the hill from the cemetery the humans were going to, and told them to keep a watch on the road to keep the rabbits from hopping down and to potential bushes. They emailed me at lunch to tell me they chased the bunnies back to the car where they belonged, so I thought all was well. Little did I know that the humans were visiting another cemetery too, and it was one where the human actually amused herself photographing each and every tombstone. Needless to say, the bunnies were totally unsupervised, and I think you can imagine what they got up to. I don't even want to think about the blackberry and blueberry bushes the park was displaying at the visitors station. Do you think they were very attached to that display? Oh, and the bunnies had lunch at another place with one of those annoying salad bars. They found a container of cucumbers and amused themselves collecting all of the seed from them. Then they hopped across the street to the store for more watermelon and sweet basil seed. About the only good thing about their trip is that they didn't manage to buy more popcorn seed.

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