Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Moment of Silence, Please

May we have a moment of silence, please, for the poor, unfortunate neighbors who are soon to be homeless? The rabbits are in the mountains tonight, 15 of them, too. Lily Rabbit hopped into the car while the humans were changing for a graduation, bringing the bunny total to 15. There will not be an berry bushes left in the mountains with that many rabbits, and I imagine Betsy's already snuck off to rob the poor, snoozing mountain bears. I just hope she doesn't tamper with their alarm clocks again. Anyway, on their way to the mountains, the rabbits stopped for lunch. This place is obviously part of a conspiracy with rabbits, because along with serving a salad bar full of rabbit food, they offered watermelon, just packed with seeds ripe for planting! The bunnies got 46 watermelon seed and a honeydew melon seed. Watermelon can take 100 feet a plant, so you can imagine what 46 seeds could do. Really, this restaurant should be so ashamed it isn't funny!

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