Saturday, October 1, 2011


I always thought this particular denomination was spelled Presbyterian, but now I believe it is in fact presbunterian. Bun as in BUNNY! I have never met a more rabbit friendly religion in my life. I suppose I should have suspected something when the church of that denomination sold the rabbits all of that bedding a bit ago, but now a Presbunterian church up in the country amused themselves selling the rabbits several sacks full of bedding, and pillows to rest their big ears on too! They came hopping home with the sheets, and forced me to sit on them, to see how they went with my fur, before popping them in the washer. I don't know what they were going to do if there was a color clash, although I have a feeling they would be plotting to change my color instead of the sheets! Really, that church should be ashamed of itself! And, as if the bedding wasn't enough, they amused themselves selling a sack of raspberry bushes to the bunnies too! A sack! Do you know how many bushes make up a sack? What in the world were they thinking?

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