Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rotten Weatherman

I ought to tell the polar bears that the weatherman has offered to host them at his house this year for the winter. I really ought to, after the trouble that horrible meteorologist has caused me. It's turned nippy here, which sent the polar bears panicking to check the weather forecast, and what did they see but something calling for SNOW! I tried to convince them that this snow is scheduled for elsewhere, or was possibly an hallucination on the part of the weatherman, but they didn't listen, and now I have a batch of bears running everywhere, demanding mittens, sweaters, hats and blankets be produced at once. Stampeding bears tend to not look where they're running either. My poor, poor tail is in dreadful danger from their big feet! I swear, the weatherman will pay for this! Perhaps I will find a way to divert Nick the Cat and his relations up to the weatherman's little weather station. It would serve him right to be tormented by those cats!

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