Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Vampire Repellant

Does anyone have any ideas for a repellant to keep the bunnies' new vampire friend from deciding that I would make a lovely snack? At first, I was optimistic about using garlic against this rabbit, but then I recalled that garlic is a plant, and as the vampire is a rabbit, the smell of plants might attract him. So now, the only thing I can think of is to stop grooming completely, and hope that it changes my taste enough to discourage the bunny. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I hate to spend forever with a shabby coat, but I don't want to become supper for a vampire bunny either! What in the world were the rabbits thinking, asking him to supper?

1 comment:

  1. Hi everybody,
    So nice site, I love it doll,the only thing I can think of is to stop grooming completely, and hope that it changes my taste enough to discourage the bunny.Thanks
