Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday Alarm

Sorry I didn't post last night. It was all that I could do to stay on my paws, after the horrors that I experienced. I swear, there is not another kitty around who has as terrible luck as I do. Really, I suspect for my luck to be this terrible continuously, that some member of that horrible Nick the Cat's family is lurking around, spreading bad luck all over the area. I ought to take him to court, I really ought to. Anyway, the human has offered to make cupcakes for a baby shower, since she made the wedding cake for the mother a few years ago. And, like during the wedding cake construction, I will be incarcerated for the duration. My only comfort is that cupcakes surely will not take as long to bake as a three tier cake, so my time in jail will be limited. But, to make things worse, the human is also making favors with this shower, including a baby themed CD for each guest! So, she was online last night looking for CDs to order, to put this music on, and horror of horrors, she found a wonderful sale on them! She ordered two packs, enough to make up CDs for the reunion too! Sniff, sniff, sniff! So now the rabbits are making another list, for an assembly line for the reunion CDs, and once more, my name is on it. Really, I can't turn around in this house anymore, without tripping over a bunny created list, promising more work for me. They ought to be ashamed of themselves, and now they're potentially planning to force me to work as a labeler for 100 CDs!


  1. What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!
