Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Squirrel Reading

I'm afraid the squirrel enjoyed the book. Really, I just knew this was going to happen when the bunnies let him get his paws on that book. He trotted over here this morning, and has been on the porch with the rabbits ever since, discussing literature, and I'm sure making plans to convert other squirrels to readers too. Only disaster can come of of all of the local squirrel population taking to reading. And what if they decide to amuse themselves reading books on corn mazes? The bunnies are already wanting to convert the front yard if not the entire neighborhood, town and state into a corn maze, and have been working at recruiting the squirrels for planting the corn seed. If the squirrels are able to read books about the mazes the bunnies want, it will only make them enthusiastic, and what if they get ideas for how to make the corn maze even worse? I wonder of I have time to demand the library ban them?

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