Monday, January 9, 2012

More January Issues

Yes, I absolutely have to trade this month. Now I have a problem with the squirrel, that I'm sure won't end well. The bunnies happened upon a story by their beloved bunny author, starring a squirrel, and of course they just had to present a copy to their squirrel buddy, to encourage him to become literate. He's tucked into his tree right now, looking it over, and the bunnies are sure it will lead to a lifetime of reading for him. And what if it leads to the squirrel getting a library card? Goodness knows that library isn't selective about who they give those little things to. No good can come of that squirrel becoming a reader. Like my siblings, he will just get his paws on books about seed and the planting of seed. That can only lead to disaster! Really, how much longer is this month going to last, and how much worse will it get?

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