Thursday, December 31, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Thirty-One
The human wrote 4197 words on the rabbit Christmas story, bringing her total on that little piece of horror writing up to 49,162, only 30,838 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. She thinks that the next chapter will just fly, too, so I expect a truly alarming amount of writing to be reported tomorrow.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Thirty-One
Another month of noveling horror is about to come to a close, and I am afraid to think of what the next month will bring. The human is sure that she will be able to finish her two current books easily, and then will be able to get a decent start on the next book in the series. I don't even want to think of the accomplice gatherings she's poking into, trying to pick the best ones to attend. Those are too alarming for words.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Word Count Month Two Day Thirty-One
The human just finished up Act One of the second rabbit story, writing 1800 more words, bringing the total on that up to 23,004, and she has everything that she needs to have happen in the next few chapters all in her head, so she thinks she can fly through the entire thing. Have you ever heard of anything so alarming in your life?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
New Penguin
Another penguin has moved in. Her flight just arrived today, and naturally she caught a cab right over to the house. I am very worried about this penguin. Naturally she arrived without luggage, which means I am going to have to somehow find clothing to force her into, and in even worse news, I swear I heard her telling my other penguin siblings that she passed out all of the party invitations that they wanted sent out. I just know that they've invited every penguin they could possibly find a nest address for to come up for a pool party!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Thirty
The human wrote 1888 words on the second rabbit story today, bringing her total there up to 21,204. She is well on track to be able to finish Act One with a few more thousand words tomorrow.
Act One,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Word Count Month Two Day Thirty
The human wrote 3612 words on the rabbit Christmas story today bringing her up to 44.965 words total, 35,035 words away from her goal of 80,000. She's still a bit behind where she was wanting to be, but I'm seriously afraid that she's going to be able to get caught up, especially since she managed some stuff in this current chapter that she claims will help the next few chapters to fly.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Thirty
The human is looking up writing conventions to attend now, along with typing like crazy on her horror story. There's a big one that she's dying to attend in the spring, and she's trying to figure out if she can manage the fee while it's still at the early bird rate. I hate to imagine what will happen if she is able to go and meet with all of those other writing people. I'm sure they would encourage her terribly in her pursuit of such frightening noveling.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Nine
The human wrote 1070 words on the rabbit Christmas story, bringing her total up to 41.353. She's now 38,647 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. She's upset, though, because she wanted to get to at least 44,000 words today. I shudder to think of what she might try to get herself caught up to her goals.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-Nine
The human didn't get as much accomplished with her writing as she had hoped for today, due to her leg being messed up and then a headache that she ended up with somehow. The writing just wouldn't flow like she wanted it to, so she just had to pause in the chapters she was working on. Needless to say, she's totally ticked, and is trying to work out a plan for a marathon writing session to get caught up.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Nine
At least the human isn't as upset about the second rabbit book. She wrote 1078 words on it, bringing her up to 19,316. She's almost at the end of Act One, and I'm sure she'll be able to finish it, even if she fell a bit behind today.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Monday, December 28, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Eight
The human wrote 1930 more words on the second rabbit story that she's working on bringing her up to 16,308 words on that one. She's almost finished with the First Act, and she's muttering about maybe working all day or all night to try to get that finished in the next day or so.
Act One,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Eight
The human reached the halfway point today. It's all downhill from here as far as finishing the book is concerned. She wrote 3675 words, bringing the novel up to 40,283 words total. She is now 39,717 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. I'm sure that she will start to write faster now that she is over that middle number, too. She always speeds up once she hits the magical 40,000 word mark.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-Eight
The human came strolling in with another jumbo serving of caffeine today. Really, what are these restaurants thinking, providing her with these drinks? I'm starting to suspect that the rabbits have offered them produce for their menus if the help keep the human awake and cranking out large quantities of rabbit encouragement.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Seven
The human wrote 1993 words on the second rabbit story that she's working on, bringing that particular horror up to 16,308. She says that she is now roughly one chapter away from finishing Act One and will certainly get it done before the New Year.
Act One,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-Seven
The noveling is still proceeding according to plan, despite how I keep hoping for the human to develop writer's block. She's even thinking about taking a day or two this week just to write and see how many words she can crank out total. I wonder if I can find a place to hide that day? She might start working on a third rabbit story soon, too, just so she'll have a good start on two different ones when she finishes the Christmas story.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Seven
The human wrote 4431 words on the rabbit Christmas story today, finishing up the eighth chapter. She is now at 36,608 words, and will likely hit the halfway point tomorrow. It's all downhill once she hits the magical 40,000 words. I wonder what I should do to alert our poor neighbors? It seems to sad that they will start their year homeless.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Six
The human wrote 1885 words on the second rabbit story, bringing her up to 14,314 words total on that. And, in even worse news, she says that she has the next three chapters mapped out in her head, so it's just a matter of getting them written out. She's threatening to spend an entire day next week just working on cranking out writing even if she has to sit on ice permanently to manage it.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Six
The human wrote 5341 words today, bringing her up to 32177 words total on the rabbit Christmas story, which is roughly where the human says that she wants to be. At the rate at which she is going, she will hit the halfway point in the next day or so, and who knows, she might be able to finish Act Two by the New Year. What a horrible way to start a year off.
New Year,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-Six
I want the restaurant that provided the human with the extra large serving of soda prosecuted! Or possibly persecuted, and tarred and feathered. She is now setting on the bed, wide awake and typing like crazy. And to make matters even worse, she went out this afternoon, claiming she was going to drop off a Christmas gift. She returned with an idea for book eight in the rabbit series. The horrors just keep on coming!
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Five
At least the human isn't complaining as much about the second rabbit story and falling behind. She managed to do 1842 words on it, and is finished with the third chapter of that horror story now, bringing it up to a total of 12,429 words. She's got the next couple of chapters plotted out in her head, too, and I'm afraid she will be able to really fly if she can ever get things caught up like she wants them to be with the other story.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Five
The human wrote 2053 words on the rabbit Christmas story, bringing her up to 26,836 words total. Frankly, that still sounds nightmarish to me, but the human wasn't pleased at all about falling behind where she wants to be. I don't want to think of what she's going to do to get caught up.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-Five
The human wasn't feeling well today, and didn't get as much writing done as she hoped. That was good for our poor neighbors, but not so good for me. Needless to say, the human wasn't happy, as this is the second time she's fallen behind what she was hoping to do due to issues with her leg, and she's considering scheduling a writing marathon to make up for it. Going to camp out at that bakery where she met with some of her accomplices has been tossed out as a possibility for this noveling horror. I wonder if I call and tell them that Betsy Bear might come with the human if that would be enough to shut the bakery down?
Betsy Bear,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Friday, December 25, 2009
I would like to wish my readers a Merry Christmas, along with extending an apology to anyone who might have been missing goodies under their tree this morning. There was an "incident" with Santa when he dropped by here. Betsy Bear was lurking in the living room and needless to say she attacked his sack. I think she somehow got onto the roof too, because I kept hearing frantic shouts from reindeer instead of the prancing and pawing that I understand is customary for such animals. Unfortunately, Santa did leave something for me, a new collar complete with bell. The rabbits forged my name on a letter requesting this. They claim it will be just perfect for when I am forced to travel with them promoting books.
Betsy Bear,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Four
The human wrote 4235 words tonight, bringing her total for the Christmas rabbit story up to 24,783. At the rate at which she is moving on this story, she'll hit the halfway point before she knows it. And once she's at the halfway point, then it's all downhill for finishing the story. I do hope Santa brings our neighbors the keys to new homes. They will be needing them soon.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Three
The human wrote 1904 more words on the second rabbit story. It is now at 10,587 words total, which means that she is now half through with the first act. Perhaps I should have bought our neighbors homeowners' insurance for Christmas, except I wasn't sure of how to find a policy that covered acts of rabbits. To make matters even worse, the human's getting ideas now for how to wrap up Act One of this story and then a plot twist that will spice up Act Two.
Act One,
Act Two,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-Four
The novel horrors are still proceeding according to schedule, even with the human having to take time off to finish wrapping presents and then to go out to eat. Don't think I don't blame the restaurant that she went to for supper either. Really, what WERE they thinking, providing her with three large glasses of soda? She'll be up all night at this rate, and I shudder to think of what she will manage to get done. My only comfort is that she didn't go to the restaurant with the coca cola cake. That much caffeine on top of the sodas is the last thing she needs.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Three
Act One of the Rabbit Christmas story is finished. The human wrote 4134 words on it, bringing her total up to 20,548 words. I just know if she keeps this up that she's going to finish Act Two before the New Year. Really, she should be so ashamed of herself. doing all of this and encouraging those rabbits so much.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-Three
The human is still in pain, but she got out the ice, and amused herself setting on it so that she could get her typing done. I don't know what I'm going to do, I really don't. The words seem to be flying, and to make matters worse, she's thought up and idea for a few chapters of one of the bear stories too. The neighbors are doomed. If the bunnies don't destroy their house with gardening plans, then Betsy Bear will rob them blind because of book encouragement.
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Three
The human wrote 1728 words on the second rabbit story, bringing the total on that up to 8689. I don't know what I am going to do with her enthusiasm for typing. Santa will probably trip over her tomorrow when he risks a Betsy Bear attack to poke presents under our tree. She's thinking of staying up all night and working as a Christmas gift to herself.
Betsy Bear,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Two
The human wrote 1623 words on the second rabbit story, bringing her total for that up to 6955 words. She had been hoping to get more in, but at least she isn't as grumpy over her progress on that story being delayed by her leg issues as she is over the delay on the Christmas story.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-Two
The human managed to get through the fourth chapter of the Christmas rabbit story today with 4202 words, bringing the story up to 16,414 total so far. She still isn't happy about the writing day she missed, though, and is talking about getting a double dose of caffeine from somewhere tomorrow so she can get caught up. I can only hope her dentist recommends against it.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-Two
The human is still in pain, and her writing has been slowed down considerably. Needless to say, she isn't pleased at all, and is threatening to do whatever she has to to get back on track, even if it means living on ice to keep her poor, damaged leg frozen solid. I wonder if I should sacrifice my cheesy snacks to unplug the refrigerator? I don't want her to hurt, but I don't want our neighbors to become homeless either.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Monday, December 21, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty-One
The human managed to get some writing done on the second rabbit story she is working on before her leg started to kill her. She wrote 1889 words bringing the story up to 5332 total and concluding the first chapter with their realization that an actual murder has taken place.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty-One
The human's in considerable pain from her leg this evening. As much as it does bother me to hear her going about, moaning in pain, at least it has had the side effect of slowing down her noveling a bit. Perhaps the poor neighbors won't be homeless for Christmas after all. She did mention something alarming about purchasing a CD of Christmas music, though. I wonder how worried I should be about that putting her in the mood to write Christmas stories through her pain?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Twenty
The human wrote 1770 more words on the second rabbit novel, bringing it up to 3435 words total so far. She's hoping that if she can write at least 1600 words per day, then she'll have at least the first act of this book done by the time she finishes the Christmas story, and can fly through the rest. I'm very afraid she just might be right about that. Our poor neighbors are doomed.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Continuing Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty
Bad news. The book being mislaid didn't slow the human down like I hoped. She just poked around on the internet and found the information she needed. Really, the internet should be ashamed of just having such horrible information available where my human can find it and get horrible ideas.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Word Count Month Two Day Twenty
The human wrote 4087 words on the rabbit Christmas mystery bringing her up to 12,212 words total. Our poor neighbors are doomed. She's been able to produce 4000 words for three days in a row now. What am I going to do if she can maintain this level of writing speed?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twenty
The human is missing a book that she claims is absolutely critical for completing part of the second rabbit story that she is working on. I can only pray that this book remains among the missing so her horrible writing is slowed down. Really, she's setting a nightmarish pace on the Christmas book, and I shudder to think of what she might be capable of doing on the second book if she ever finds the research book she needs.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Nineteen
The human started on a second rabbit story. She is currently at 1665 words, and is about halfway through the first chapter. Our poor neighbors are doomed. She's got the first few chapters all plotted out in her head, and she's sure that as she gets into it, the rest will come to her fast.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Word Count Month Two Day Nineteen
The human wrote 4117 words on the rabbit Christmas mystery today bringing her up to 8125 words total so far. She says she has the rest of Act One plotted out in her head, too, so she might actually try to fly through that in the next day or so, depending on how things go. She should be ashamed, cranking out so many alarming words so fast. I can only hope that Christmas shopping will come along to distract her.
Act One,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Nineteen
The human's work on the latest rabbit book is going well. It's going so well, in fact, that the rabbits are encouraging her to work on two books at once, and I fear that she is going to listen to them. I caught her making character cards for another one of the books in the series and she was muttering something a little while ago about trying to crank out at least part of the first chapter for that. What am I going to do if she manages two books at the same time?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Friday, December 18, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Eighteen
The human just finished the first chapter of the horrible rabbit Christmas story. Her word count for this novel is currently at 4008 words. I'm honestly afraid of what she might accomplish tomorrow, especially if we get snow. She says she's got the next chapter plotted out, and the basics for the entire first Act planned out in her head. I'm afraid that's a horrible sign that she's going to be able to fly through this thing.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Eighteen
The human found a site that is supposed to help you write a book in a week, and she is thinking about signing up after Christmas. Do you think I can report this horrible site to someone? Our neighbors will never see their house again if the human's speed at writing horrible stories of rabbit encouragement gets up to cranking out a book a week. I'm very worried that something like that could work for her, too. She's already got the entire first act of the next rabbit book plotted out. It's just a matter of her getting it typed, and this horrible site might show her how to up her speed.
book in a week,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Seventeen
The second book is done. The human wrote 5290 words, bringing her up to a total of 80,261 words for the second book. Have you ever seen such an alarming word count? Really, she should be ashamed, and the rate at which she is cranking out these words is alarming to say the least, especially since she's writing around holidays which are thought to slow writing down. What if this means her speed will increase come January? I've heard there are some who can crank out a book a week. What will I do if the human decides to try that next? She's already mastered a book in a month.
Book in a Month,
book in a week,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Seventeen
Does anyone know of a good hiding place for a laptop battery, where the human will never find it, but I can get to it easily? I really have got to do something. The human now has the first Act for that horrible rabbit Christmas tale plotted out. She's planning to start work on it tomorrow. It will probably result in the bunnies doubling the number of seed they're asking Santa to bring them in the name of story research, and he might actually do it if it's a Christmas story.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Sixteen
The human didn't get as much done yesterday as she would have liked because her leg was bothering her. She still got 2443 words written out, though, bringing her total up to 74,971 words only 5029 words away from her goal. She already has about a thousand words of that written for the last chapter, and she has plans for the chapter before the last that I'm afraid she's going to be able to just fly through. She'll probably finish the horrible thing tonight and get right to work on that Christmas story. I must alert the neighbors right away.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Sixteen
The human has thought up the plot for the Christmas rabbit book, and those bunnies are hopping around her bed like crazy telling her how much fun she would have writing a Christmas book at Christmastime. What am I going to do if she listens to them? All of those horrible holiday carols will probably just help her keep the horror writing going.
Horrible Weather Report
I want the weatherman arrested, drug into the streets and possibly tarred and feathered! He has just issued a report calling for snow this weekend. Do you know how much work my human might get done if she gets snowed in the house? The weatherman is collaborating with the bunnies. I just know it. It's bad enough that he cheated on his forecasting all summer by looking out his window with binoculars and issuing rain reports based on their rain dances. Now he's actively helping them, probably as repayment for all of the work they saved him over the summer. He should be ashamed, and don't think I won't be telling the neighbors about this.
rain dance,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
weather man
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Fifteen
The human wrote 2452 words today, bringing her total up to 72,528. She's now only 7,472 words away from her goal of having 80,000 words. She's planning to go to bed early, too, so she can work all day tomorrow to finish. My only hope to prevent this is to find a sedative to pop into her drink. Does anyone have any idea how to find a fast acting sedative?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Fifteen
The human believes that she will finish the latest rabbit horror by tomorrow at the latest. She has all of the twists and turns that she needs to have take place mapped out in her head so she is sure that she will be able to write the ending fast. Then she wants to get started right away on a new rabbit horror. She's even thinking of starting out with the first chapters of the next five in the series at once to see which one she seems to be able to work on the fastest. What am I going to do if she decides to do all five at once? That much rabbit encouragement could prove fatal, or at least destructive, to our poor neighbors and their continuing ability to use their homes.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Fourteen
The human wrote 5024 words today, bringing her total up to 70,077. She is now only 9923 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. She's threatening to work hard, and to possibly either cancel all medical appointments or lag the laptop with her so that she can work from the waiting room in order to get the story finished by Wednesday. Have you ever heard of such a nightmarish idea? If she finishes this horrible thing by Wednesday, that means she could be close to finished with a third book by the end of the month!
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Fourteen
I'm afraid the human's noveling horrors are proceeding according to schedule. She's hoping to finish the second book in the next day or so so she can get right to work on cranking out the third book. Really, she should be ashamed, and how I will explain this to the neighbors, I'll never know. I third book will be sure to result in the loss of their houses after all of the encouragement it will give those rabbits.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Thirteen
The human wrote 2121 words today, bringing the novel total up to 65,053. She is now only 14,947 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. I have no doubts at all she's going to hit that nightmarish total soon. She's already planning to go to bed early tonight so that she can work all day on writing. I'm sure that will lead to nothing good.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Thirteen
The human was a bit distracted today, trying to finish off her Christmas orders, but she still managed to get more work on that horrible novel done. I'm afraid to imagine how much more writing she'll be able to crank out now that she's got all of the Christmas stuff ordered. Really, she should be ashamed, and I don't even want to think of what might happen if things continue at the rate that they are going. Perhaps I will sneak the battery for her laptop into someone else's package for Christmas. That might slow her down.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Twelve
The human wrote 3183 words on the second rabbit novel today, bringing her total up to 62,932 words total. She's now only 17,068 words away from her goal of 80,000. She has some horrible ideas, too, about what she needs to do to get to the end, so I just know that the horrible thing is really going to fly now.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Twelve
The human is hard at work on Act Three of the second rabbit book, and has high hopes of being finished in a few days. I wonder if I should go and take photos of our poor neighbors now? With all of this encouragement of rabbits, I'm very much afraid that some of them might not manage to escape their homes before the bunnies' garden takes over. We might need photos for the missing persons' reports. The human has been thinking about what she wants to do for the third book, too, and is running plot ideas over in her head so that she can get off to a fast start. That seems like the worst possible thing to have happen. What if the third book goes even faster?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Eleven
The human wrote 3038 words today, bringing the story up to 59,749 words total. She is now only 20,251 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. I'm afraid she's planning to try to get a lot of work done this weekend so that she can finish this horrible thing quickly, and hopefully get at least halfway through on the next book by the first of the year. Really, isn't there a limit to the amount of horror one year can have?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Eleven
I would like to ask for a moment of silence in memory of the poor neighbors who are about to loose their homes. The human finished up Act Two today, and started in on the first bit of Act Three. Really, the entire thing is just too horrifying for words, and she thinks that with how well this is progressing, she might start to play around a bit, and work a bit on the next book as well, so she's ready to gt of to a fast start as soon as she's done with this one.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Has anyone ever noticed how big rabbit feet are? I really didn't pay much attention until the rabbits decided that they have to have stockings to hang up for Santa to stuff with seed on Christmas. I shudder to think of how much seed would be able to fit into a sock designed to fit on a large rabbit foot. Aren't there laws against things like that?
rabbit feet,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Ten
I knew that the human being awake all day would result in the horror to end all horrors. She wrote 6145 words today, bringing the second rabbit novel up to 56,712 words total. She is now 23,288 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. The story is on chapter 14 now, and she thinks she'll finish Act Two by tomorrow at the rate, and will be able to make a descent start on flying through Act Three. I think I will have to go into hiding if her noveling continues at this pace. I'm sure that many words are highly hazardous.
Act Three,
Act Two,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Ten
The human didn't sleep at all today, and I hold the restaurant that supplied her with massive amounts of caffeine to blame for this state of affairs. Needless to say, she's gotten a lot of writing done, and she is absolutely thrilled by the fact that she's almost done with Act Two of the rabbit book several days ahead of schedule too. Oh, this is such a horrible thing that I don't want to think of it. If Act Two goes fast, it's surely a bad sign that the last act will fly by even faster. She's even working on what she intends to have as the last chapter of the book, since she had a good idea hit on how she wanted to conclude things. Really, she should be so ashamed.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Nine
The human wrote 2271 words today, bringing her word total up to 50,567. She is now only 29,433 words away from her goal of 80,000. Have you ever heard of something so nightmarish and I just know the words are going to come at an alarmingly fast rate now that the human says that she has pretty much everything in the rest of the book plotted out.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Nine
The human claims to know exactly what she's going to do for the rest of the second book in the rabbit series, which is a horrible sign. If she knows what she needs to do, I'm very much afraid she will be able to fly through writing up the rest of the book. The rabbits already have five more bunny books for her to work on after this one, not to mention the teddy books and a romance series she's wanted to do for awhile. Isn't such large amounts of writing illegal in some places, and I just know it will give all of my siblings bad ideas.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Continuing Word Count Month Two Day Eight
The human wrote 1954 more words today, bringing her up to 6136 words for the day and 48,296 for the story total so far. She is now 31,704 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. Our poor, poor neighbors. They are so doomed that it isn't funny. I don't know how I'll ever break this to them, but I suppose I better let them know soon, so they can request new homes from Santa.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Word Count Month Two Day Eight
The human refused to return to her bed where she belonged this morning after the other human left. She got on the computer and has thus far cranked out 4182 words, bringing the rabbit story up to 46,342 words. She is now 33,658 words away from her 80,000 word goal. I've got to find a sedative to slip into her soda right away, is all that I can say.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Eight
I have never been so embarrassed in my life. The human just got off the phone to my vet, after placing a call to check out a rabbit fact for the book. And she let them know it was for a book, too, so they're sure to have questions for me the next time I go out there. Really, she should be ashamed. I have no idea how I will explain the rabbit related horror to the vet, and what if she thinks I am an accomplice to this? Really, the human should be so ashamed of herself. Couldn't she call some vet that we don't know, if she absolutely had to consult with them about rabbit issues, and disguise her voice so she couldn't be identified?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Seven
The human wrote 2140 more words, bringing her up to 42,160 words total in the second rabbit story. She is now 37,840 words away from her goal for this horrible bit of writing, which means our poor neighbors are only a few days away from having to face the loss of their homes.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Seven
The writing is going along according to schedule, I'm afraid. And even worse, the human's almost through reading that horrible Book in a Month thing. Really, that author should be so ashamed of writing such a thing, and making it such a quick read too. The human seems to speed up every time that she looks at it, which can only be bad news for her finishing the second rabbit book faster than she did the first.
Book in a Month,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Six
The human hit 40,020 words today after writing 3977 words. She is now 39,980 words away from her goal of 80,000 words to complete the novel. Our poor, poor neighbors. I don't know how I will explain this all to them, and I'm sure my cat mother isn't going to take things well when she looses her home due to those rabbits receiving such terrible amounts of encouragement.
cat mother,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Six
The human re-read a few sections in the horrible Book in a Month thing of hers, and I just know that it's put horrible notions into her head. She came back from dinner talking about locking herself into her room to type all night. What do I do if she's serious about that? I need to be able to get in there to get online. Isn't denying me computer access some sort of cruel and unusual punishment?
Book in a Month,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Five
The human is caught up as far as her word count goes. She's up to 36,043 words total in the second rabbit story after writing another 4016. She just knows that she will hit 40,000 tomorrow, and I have serious fears that she might be right. Once she gets over 40,000 words, if things go like they did last time, her writing will really start to fly. What in the world am I going to do if she completes another rabbit book? Those bunnies will be absolutely impossible to live with after receiving that much encouragement.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Five
The writing on that horrible bunny book is continuing according to schedule, even though the human fell a bit behind yesterday. She still thinks she'll be able to hit 40,000 words by the end of the weekend if she keeps things up the way they're going. I so blame her doctor for this. She's still in pain from what he did yesterday, and thus must stay in bed where she has nothing to do but to type. And it doesn't help that those bunnies are lurking in her room, always ready to hop up on the bed with suggestions for her.
Sir Pinky the Cat
It is snowing here, and I don't just mean a light dusting of flurries either. There must be an inch or two already on the ground and the weather is giving every indication that it plans to continue dumping snow all day! I am trapped in the house with a crippled human. What in the world am I going to do if the other human can't make it home from work? My human says that she can get to some of my food, but I'm just not sure at all. And what about all of the time that she will have to write if we end up snowbound? I want the weatherman prosecuted for this!
Sir Pinky the Cat,
weather man,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Four
The human is up to 32,027 words today after writing 1151 words today. Needless to say she wasn't pleased, but she was feeling too awful to manage more. I shudder to think of how much writing she's going to try to do tomorrow to make up for falling only slightly behind today.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Four
I hoped that the human's doctor appointment today would have delayed her writing. I wanted it delayed, not what the doctor actually did! He kept her waiting for two hours, so now she is in absolute agony, and I would not be surprised at all if she ends up not being able to walk again after this. Really, doesn't that doctor have a brain? Not only is it annoying to have to listen to the human moan in pain, but if her leg is flared severely, she'll have to stay in bed. Her computer's in the bedroom. She'll get more writing than I want to think about done now, and it is all that doctor's fault.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Three
The human is up to 30,876 words on the second bunny story after cranking out another 2140 words today. I don't know what I'm going to do if she keeps things moving along like this. I'm sure she'll hit 40,000, which is the halfway mark, over the weekend at this rate.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Impending Sheep Doom
The poor sheep are doomed, and I can only hope that should any sheep be reading this, that they run and call their insurance agents right away to make sure that the impending loss of their wool will be covered under their policies. The human dreamed up an idea for a seventh book in the rabbit series where sheep will play a large role. Isn't it bad enough that those books are encouraging the bunnies? Must the human write something to encourage polar bears too?
polar bears,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Three
The novel is progressing according to schedule, according to the human, which means that the house is filled with partying rabbits. They're planning large seed orders now, and they're sure that they'll be able to get them too, if they let that horrible place that supplies free seed know that it is for a book. I shudder to imagine the size of their garden after all of this encouragement.
Sir Pinky the Cat
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day Two
The human wrote 3181 words today on the second story of rabbit horror, bringing her total for the nightmarish work up to 28736. Really, she should be so ashamed. I can only hope that the doctors' appointments she has booked for the next few days will slow her down slightly or she's sure to get the awful thing up to 40,000 next.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day Two
The human is still hard at work on the novel, and I'm afraid it's still going alarmingly well. She went back and added a bunny scene to Chapter Six, and I'm very sorry to say that it's got her moving in exactly the direction she wanted to go. So much for my hopes of her getting hit with a large case of writer's block. At this rate, she might be halfway through by the beginning of next week. Our poor, poor neighbors. It's so tragic they are to become homeless at Christmas thanks to that human writing such terrible rabbit encouragement.
Swimming Pool
The place the human's going to for therapy is insane, is all that I can figure. They have a swimming pool, and they're actually letting the human into it. Needless to say, the penguins were very excited to hear this, and they're already making plans to stow away in her bag the next time she goes. That poor pool. The filter is doomed for sure with all of the penguin feathers that will soon be clogging it.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
swimming pool,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Word Count Month Two Day One
The human wrote 2314 words today, bringing her total for the second bunny book to 25,555 words so far. Have you ever seen something so shocking? I do hope our neighbors have insurance, and in worse news for the poor neighbors, there is an alarming report of snow heading for this area. Snow will give the human nothing to do but to stay home and write! The weatherman should be ashamed!
Sir Pinky the Cat,
weather man,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Two Day One
She's still writing, and I don't like the way the rabbits are lurking in her room. I just know that I heard one of those little cotton-tailed things hopping onto the bed and saying something about how since it's the Christmas season and all she ought to work on the planned Christmas rabbit book too. What am I going to do if she listens?
Sir Pinky the Cat
Christmas Corruption
Those rabbits have done something totally terrible as part of their planned Christmas celebrations. Isn't it bad enough they've got the human cranking out massive amounts of rabbit centered writing? Now those bunnies have convinced her to give a rabbit book to a couple of unsuspecting children for Christmas! They're plotting to convert those poor things to bunny lovers, I just know it, probably thinking that by the time the human's rabbit books come out, they'll be old enough to beg for a copy. Really, those bunnies are just too sneaky.
bunny books,
Sir Pinky the Cat
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