Thursday, January 28, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Twenty-Eight
The human wrote 2027 words on that rabbit tale of terror, bringing it up to 18,538 words total. And, to make matters worse, it is now snowing. The human thinks she will have all weekend to stay inside and write!
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twenty-Eight
The novel horrors are proceeding according to plan, along with multiple fan fiction horrors. The human claims that she really has her writing groove on or something alarming like that. And due to a slow flock of sheep on Facebook, she isn't going to be as tied up there this weekend. I am afraid to think of what might happen on the writing front.
fan fiction,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Word Count Month Three Day Twenty-Seven
The human wrote 2093 words on her tale of terror bringing it up to 16,511 words total. And that doesn't count the fan fictions that the human is working on. Facebook is acting up, giving her lots of time for writing, to say the least. If they don't get it fixed soon, I shudder to think of what could happen.
fan fiction,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twenty-Seven
The noveling is proceeding according to plan, and the human thinks that she might even get through Act One of the second rabbit story within the next day or so, and might even hit the halfway point on the other one. And what will happen when she does that? The rabbits are already hopping around like crazy, celebrating. I shudder to think how more words devoted to bunnies will encourage them.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Twenty-Six
The human wrote 2002 words on her second, horrifying rabbit novel, bringing that bit of terror up to 14,418. And she's sure that she's at a point where she can easily get through at least a few more thousand words on it tonight. My one comfort is that she has to fertilize all of her friends' crops first, and visit their little zoos. That might slow her down.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twenty-Six
The noveling is going according to plan, based on what the human is saying. I can only hope that our neighbors have doubled their insurance. Do you know how having this much writing, focused all on them is encouraging the bunnies? Really, it's put so many bad ideas into their fluffy little heads that it isn't funny. Those poor neighbors. Please do pray for them. The human knows the murderer now for this second rabbit tale of terror, and the twists that she wants to use, so she's sure that she can get things moving quickly.
Mister Peepers
I would like to urge my readers to head over to this page to offer this poor bird your support. He was given to a nice family in Florida, and now his old human is attempting to reclaim him. Naturally, Mister Peepers doesn't want to move again, and who can blame him? Florida is rather nice, at least as long as Betsy Bear isn't visiting, and he's very attached to his current family. Please go by the page to offer a few words of support. The human who wants him back is wanting him to travel cargo! Have you ever heard of such? That has to be worse that couch and third class, and since they don't even give you heat in cargo, I imagine they don't offer a meal either. Or a movie. Obviously the human who is trying to reclaim this bird is insane, and I urge everyone to support him in his fight to stay with his current family.
Mister Peepers,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Monday, January 25, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Twenty-Five
The human wrote 2906 words on her second tale of rabbit terror, bringing her up to 12,416 words total on that. And I just realized something awful. She's posting word counts on Facebook, where that publisher can see! What if they actually are impressed by what she's able to crank out?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twenty-Five
Please offer up prayers for our poor neighbors, and for goodness sakes, if you are on Facebook. friend the human immediately, and offer her large amounts of gifts for her farm, zoo and garden! It might distract her. I'm afraid that she just figured out the plot twist she wants for the second rabbit novel she is working on, which means she now thinks she will be able to really fly through things. Our neighbors are doomed. And, in even worse news, she thinks she's friended a publisher, and has them as a neighbor on Farmville. The rabbits are plotting to lavish them with rabbit themed gifts, to put them in the right mood for buying rabbit novels.
Word Count Month Three Day Twenty-Four
The human was going to do more work on her novel, but she had a piece of writing for a fan fiction that she's horribly behind on stuck in her head that she wanted to try to crank out first. She managed to write 8022 words on that. Have you ever seen something so alarming in your life, and she said that the words were just flowing easily. What if she manages to get the words for her novel to come like that now?
fan fiction,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Twenty-Three
The human wrote 2220 words on her tale of rabbit horror, bringing it up to 34,791 words total. That is much too close to the halfway point for me, and goodness knows how fast she might be able to fly through it now. She's even thinking out sending a letter or two, hunting for an agent next week. What will become of the neighbors if someone helps her sell the books? She thinks she's got the perfect hook!
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twenty-Three
The human's writing is flowing just like she hoped that it would, when she got the entire thing plotted yesterday. I shudder to think of what will happen now, and she's even tossed in another possible murder too, just to make things even worse. Our poor neighbors. I do hope they didn't need to live in their houses.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Twenty-Two
The human wrote 1424 words today to complete chapter seven, bringing her current horror up to 32,570. Really, aren't there laws against such amounts of horror? I don't know what I'm going to do if she does what she was threatening, going to bed early, or early for her, so she can get a early start on writing tomorrow.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twenty-Two
The human has the novel pretty much planned out, including where her twists ought to fall as far as the word count and everything. One of our neighbors has a daughter on Facebook. I suppose I should pop onto the human's account soon, and let her know that her parents are soon to loose their home. The bunnies are testing out various garden plans now in Farmville due to the encouragement they're getting from this writing.
Facebook Badge
I'm very sorry about that Facebook badge cluttering my page. For some insane reason, the human poked it up there, and I'm not sure how to get rid of it, or let people know that I'm not to blame for its contents. However, if you should be on Facebook, might I suggest friending the human and sending her loads of stuff for her little farm and zoo right away?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twenty-One
The human plotted out the rest of the second rabbit story that she started in December, so she didn't really do any writing. I'm afraid she's going a few things about the story straightened out in her head, though, which undoubtedly means that once she starts writing, she will be able to fly through things.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Word Count Month Three Day Twenty
The human wrote 1742 words on the second rabbit story that she was working on in December, bringing her up to 31,147 words on that. She's alarmingly close to the halfway point and thinks she'll be able to fly through at least the next chapter. Have you ever seen something so alarming?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twenty
The noveling is going according to schedule. The human decided to work a bit on the second story that she started in December, since she is very close to the halfway mark on that, and after a bit of a delay, she was able to get the words flying. I have never been so alarmed in my life, and in a few hours, probably, the horror will hit Facebook too. I shudder to imagine all of the rabbits that will be sending her friends requests once they hear.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Nineteen
The human's writing is proceeding according the schedule, I'm afraid, and I shudder to think of what she might do next. It seems those gifts on Farmville and Zoo World aren't slowing her down at all. Of course, that might be because she requested bunnies as gifts on Farmville! Would you believe that this game involves allowing rabbits to hop around a farm? The human hopes to finish the third chapter soon and maybe start on either the forth or on a section in another one of the books.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Word Count Month Three Day Nineteen
The human wrote 2225 words on her latest rabbit horror bringing it up to 9510. Really, why aren't such large amounts of rabbit terror illegal? And what in the world is going to happen when she starts sharing the horror via Facebook? On the up side, it might get more rabbits to add her to their friends' list. They're all undoubtedly members of Farmville or Garden World, or possibly even Zoo World. More friends there might keep her tied up for longer, and limit her time for cranking out horror.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Monday, January 18, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Eighteen
The human wrote 1087 words, bringing the current rabbit horror up to 7285. And she's sure that if her leg cooperates that she'll get it to over 10,000 alarming words tonight before she tries to figure a way to start posting a word count on Facebook. I wonder if I have time to unplug the refrigerator and deny her ice to sit on?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Seventeen
The human wrote 3158 words on the next rabbit story bringing that that horror up to 6198 words. And now the human is thinking about setting something up on Facebook so she can post word counts there and frighten even more people. Really, isn't there some rule about this amount of horror in a public place? The human thinks that having other authors she's friended see her word count will lead to encouragement of her writing.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Seventeen
The novel horrors are proceeding according to schedule. The human is halfway through the second chapter of her current novel of rabbit terror, and she thinks she will be able to fly through the next few chapters. She's already had one semi-murder and a missing child, and a fully murdered body is about to turn up, and even worse, there are currently more rabbits than I want to think of running loose!
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Word Count Month Three Day Sixteen
The human wrote 3040 words on the newest rabbit tale of horror, getting her through the first chapter. Really, have you ever heard something so alarming? She still isn't sure of a few things, so her writing might slow a bit in a few days while she works some details out, but she's sure once she has those fixed, that she will be able to fly through her writing.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Sixteen
The human started another of the rabbit novels today, and was able to get through the first chapter at an alarming rate. I am very concerned about all of this. It seems like she's getting her writing grove back again, which isn't a good sign for our poor neighbors and their chances of keeping their homes. If anyone here is on Facebook, please lavish the human with gifts for her farm and her zoo right away! It is our neighbors' only hope.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Fifteen
The human got herself a pile of books to celebrate inflicting another tale of rabbit horror onto an innocent reading public hopefully soon. She's taking the night off, and then then planning to get back to work on more horror in the morning. Video games are the only hope to save our neighbors now. Should you be on facebook, please send me message, and I'll friend you right away so you can lavish the human with farm products and animals for her farmville and zoo games. And should anyone from the company that makes Diner Dash be reading, send her a copy of game five right away!
Sir Pinky the Cat,
video game,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Novel Horrors and Word Count Month Three Day Fourteen
I thought I would combine all of the horrors into one post. The human is finished with the rabbit Christmas story. She wrote 4380 words, bringing her up to 80,142. Our poor, poor neighbors. And this horrible thing will probably end up longer once she goes back through and works on the ending a bit more for the second draft. I shudder to think of how encouraged the bunnies are going to be by all of this.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
The human has been poking around this site called Facebook lately, and just started playing this game called Farmville. I'm trying to decide right now if it's evil or not. It does encourage a great deal of gardening, even if it's just virtual gardening, but on the up side, it does distract her nicely from poking at that rabbit story. I suppose that means the site comes out even on the potential evilness scale.
Facebook. Sir Pinky the Cat,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Thirteen
The human wasn't tortured as much as she could have been in therapy. She's still having trouble getting things focused, though, so she can get her writing done. I'm not sure if she's going to try to crank out a word count tonight or not, since she has a doctor's appointment early in the morning. Anyway, she's totally frustrated, because she knows what she wants to say, but she can't get it down. Of course, as long as she can't get it down, the neighbors are safe, which is one small miracle.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Word Count Day Twelve
The human only got 676 words done, bringing her up 75,762 words total, because she got stuck on the scene where she needs her villain to show up. The way she was thinking of just didn't seem to work, but she wasn't sure of how else to do it. I'm afraid another way hit her, though, and she plans to fly through things when she gets home from therapy. My only hope is for her to have another bad session. She's only 4,238 words from finishing the horrible thing, and if she really has this scene fixed, I'm sure she can fly through it like she's threatening.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Twelve
The human only has a couple of chapters left to finish up with the rabbit story, and she is determined to somehow get through it tonight. I am seriously afraid that she might be able to do it, too. The only hope I have is that her leg is giving her problems. Perhaps if I pull the plug on the fridge so she can't find ice to set on, perhaps she can be delayed a bit.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Eleven
The human wrote 3274 words on the rabbit Christmas story, bringing her up to 75,086 words total on that piece of horror. She is only 4914 words away from her 80,000 word goal to finish the story and will surely make it in the next day or so if her leg will cooperate. Really, though, I don't know what she is thinking. Do people really want to read such horrors for Christmas? I know there's a ghost story that's wildly popular at Christmas, but I'm sure that it isn't as frightening as this rabbit tale. People should have sugarplums dancing in their heads at Christmas, not nightmare dreams of bunnies running loose.
A Christmas Carol,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Eleven
The human's leg and neck are still giving her fits, and she was barely able to manage sleeping last night. She's very upset about how far she's fallen behind with her writing, though, and she's threatening to work all night if she has to to get that rabbit Christmas story finished. What do I do if she goes through with that threat?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Ten
The human's neck is still messed up and she isn't feeling the best with her leg, so I'm not sure if she'll be able to write tonight or not. Not that it really matters, of course. She's got enough of that rabbit horror done that she could fly through the thing and get it finished in one sitting if she really wanted to.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Nine
The human has somehow messed up her neck, meaning she can't turn her head, and her use of her stronger writing hand is limited. I think she might have to skip working on the rabbit horror tonight. Honestly, since she started on that story she's ran into more problems that I want to think about. Obviously encouraging rabbits is very dangerous to your health. I so wish she would listen to me on the dangers.
Seed Ordered
The rabbits ordered more seed today, and in the box asking what purpose they needed the seed for, they listed that it was for a book. They're sure that will convince the people at the free seed place to rush to supply them, and I am very worried that they are right. I wonder if I ought to warn my cat mother so she can be ready to go into hiding come spring?
cat mother,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Friday, January 8, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Eight
The human wrote 2982 words on the rabbit Christmas story, bringing that horror up to 71,812 words, only 8,188 words away from her goal of 80,000. I am very sure that she will be able to get through those easily this weekend, especially if the weather actually keeps her trapped inside like she thinks it might. I don't know what to do now. She was thinking of going to a little quilt showing, which endangers sheep, but if she stays here, she will endanger our neighbors with her encouragement of the bunnies. I wonder which one would be best to jeopardize?
quilt show,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Eight
The human has been working on the character cards for more books in the rabbit series. She's made enough cards for the first two chapters of two more books, and she's got a major plot twist for a third book that she's going to make cards for in a bit. I wonder if I should just tell the neighbors to pack their bags and leave now while they can still escape their homes?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Seven
The human wrote 4169 words on the rabbit Christmas tale of horror, bringing that awful work up to 68,830 words, only 11,170 words away from her goal. I just know that she will finish it this weekend, barring any sort of problems with her legs, and then what will happen to our neighbors? It is snowy out, and it doesn't seem fair for them to loose their homes in such bad weather.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Seven
The neighbors are doomed. They are going to loose their homes at any moment, which seems like it should be some sort of crime since the show is still falling here. The human just came up with something to do with the rabbit Christmas story to get her from the place where she is now, over a small hump and heading towards the end she needs. She will probably be able to fly through the horrible piece now. The only hope for our poor neighbors is the fact that her eyes are still sore from the fiasco that was her therapy appointment yesterday, that and the possibliity that a video game might distract her. I wonder if I can find a credit card somewhere to make an emergency purchase of one of those Dinertown games she is so fond of?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
video game,
It's snowing here, and needless to say, I am alarmed. The teddies are flipping through hotel brochures looking for places that we can go if the power fails, and I don't like the way they keep talking about lagging me along. What in the world am I going to do if I end up confined to one small room with my siblings for days? And the bunnies are trying to argue that we should go ahead and flee so that the human's ability to novel isn't interrupted. What if I'm trapped in the same room with her while she's writing? I'll be declared an accessory to her novel related crimes for sure! And what about Betsy Bear? I'm sure that being in the same hotel as that bear and a breakfast buffet is just asking for trouble.
Betsy Bear,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
No Writing News Today
The human didn't get any writing done today after an upsetting day at physical therapy. She's threatening to get up bright and early in the morning, though, to see how many words she can crank out to make up for it. I don't know if I should be worried or not. She has managed a lot of words before, but on the other hand, her eyes are rather sore from crying so she might not be in any shape to write.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Five
The human wrote 1443 words on the second rabbit story, bringing her up to 29,404 words total on that one. She will hit the halfway mark soon, I just know it, and then it will all be downhill from there, especially once she gets to the awful plot twist that she has in mind. She's sure that will really help a few chapters to fly by.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Continuing Word Count Month Three Day Five
The human wrote 1086 words on the rabbit Christmas story, bringing her up to 64,661 words total. She's still behind where she wants to be, not that it should really matter at this point in my opinion. She's only 15,339 words away from her goal of 80,000 words, and I know how fast she can crank those words out if she tries.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Speaking of the Accomplice Gathering
Now that I'm thinking about the accomplice gathering, I wonder what I need to do to alert people about this. It's rather close to Washington, and I just know that Betsy Bear is planning to go on this trip. Should I warn the president? That terrible bear has seen a book series about a cook at the White House and I think you can guess the ideas that it's put into her head about gathering snacks.
Betsy Bear,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
White House
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Five
Please offer up all of the prayers that you can for our poor neighbors, because they are doomed. The human just emailed someone who posted on one of her lists about her upcoming mystery series to try to find out the best way to sell the bunny books. Our poor, poor neighbors. I wonder how much notice I will need to give them that they are about to loose their homes? I'm sure they won't take it well at all. What am I going to do if she's able to find someone to purchase these horrifying tales right away? She might actually be eligible to give talks to other potential accomplices, then. Can you imagine how that would encourage the rabbits, and I'm sure they would hop along to add their opinions as well.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Monday, January 4, 2010
Word Count Month Three Day Four
The human wrote 4043 words on the rabbit Christmas story bringing her up to 63,575 words on it. She is now only 16,425 words away from her 80,000 word goal and is sure that she will be able to fly through the rest if her leg will just cooperate with her. What in the world am I going to tell the neighborsw
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Four
The sheep are doomed. The human just go a new magazine that she believes will assist her with work on what is earmarked now as book four in the rabbit series, and that is the one that features sheep. She hopes to start working on it in the next few days, as soon as she's able to crank out the last act of the Christmas story. I suppose I should start emailing all of the neighboring sheep farmers now and letting them know that their flocks will never see their wool again. Those poor, poor sheep. They will all have to invest in sweaters now thanks to the human. I hope they can find a good sale.
polar bears,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Continuing Word Count Month Three Day Three
The human wrote 1063 words on the second rabbit story, bringing that one to 27,962. I just know that she's going to reach the dangerous halfway point on that little piece of horror soon, especially since she says she's got at least the next few chapters plotted, along with a nice twist that she needs to have happen somewhere around the halfway point. Somehow, I don't think any of this bodes well at all.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Word Count Month Three Day Three
The human wrote 3053 words on the rabbit Christmas story today, a bit under what she was wanting to do, but she got through Act Two so she decided to give things a bit of a rest so she could fly through more writing tonight. She's at 59,532 words total, only 20,468 words away from her horrible, 80,000 word writing goal.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Three
The human's writing is still going according to schedule, and she expects to have the Christmas story done in a few days. She's already looking at her other rabbit related ideas, trying to find a second story to work on. How worried do you suppose I should be that she's seriously considering doing some work on a sheep themed story? That will surely get the polar bears all fired up too. She already has a lot of character cards for some of the characters she wants to use in the sheep book. I'm sure that is a bad sign for how fast she might be able to crank that one out.
polar bears,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
The Quilt Show
That foolish quilt show had an article in the paper today. Really, don't those people have any sense at all, putting advertising out where polar bears can see it? Naturally, my polar bear sisters are very excited, especially because they think the human will be working on a story with sheep in it by the time some of the quilt stuff starts. Really, I don't know what I'm going to do with all of this encouragement my siblings keep receiving. Isn't the rabbit encouragement enough? I just hope that the quilt people have loads of insurance.
polar bears,
quilt show,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Novel Horrors Month Three Day Two
The human thinks that she might be able to start on another of the rabbit books in the next day or two. I don't know what I'm going to do if she takes it into her head to start on the book featuring the flock of sheep. There are three full grown polar bears and then three cubs living here that would just love an excuse to drop by and raid a sheep pasture in the name of book research.
polar bears,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Continuing Word Count Month Three Day Two
The human wrote 1692 words on the second rabbit story, bringing her up to 26,893 words on that one. She thinks she's at a point where she'll be able to just fly through the next chapter or so too.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Word Count Month Three Day Two
The human wrote 4101 words on the rabbit Christmas story, bringing her total on that horror up to 56,479. She's now only 23,521 words away from her 80,000 word goal. She's sure to finish with Act Two by the end of the weekend, and then all she has to do is to fly through the wrap-up at for Act Three.
Act Three,
Act Two,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Friday, January 1, 2010
Continuing Word Count Month Three Day One
The human wrote 3216 words on the rabbit Christmas story bringing her up to 52,378, only 27,622 words away from her goal of 80,000 words. She's about at the point where her speed really starts to increase with writing too. What in the world am I going to do if she decides to try and fly through this thing over the weekend?
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Word Count Month Three Day One
The human wrote 2196 words on the second rabbit story she is working on, bringing her up to 25,200 words total on that story. The word count on that story is creeping up alarmingly fast, and I fear that she might hit the dreaded halfway mark soon. I don't know what I will do once she gets over that terrible point.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
Novel Horrors Month Three Day One
Should you pray, please remember our poor, misfortunate neighbors, who are soon to become homeless. For the new year, the human has already dreamed up two more stories for the rabbit series of books. You don't want to know how pleased the bunnies were by this bit of news, and they're wanting to order more seed to celebrate. I don't even want to think about the accomplice gathering the human is hoping to put a deposit on attending soon. This year is shaping up to be a total disaster, and it is only the first day.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Yearly Horror Update
The human wrote 129,195 words for December, bringing her word count for her novels over the last two months up to 234,294 words total. I have never seen such an alarmingly large number in my life, and the majority of those words are words of rabbit encouragement too.
Sir Pinky the Cat,
word count,
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