Monday, September 16, 2013

Today's Harrassment

Well, the car is seeming like it's okay, but Brother is working on some serious harassment once more.  Really, we wish he had never figured out how to text.  We do hope he breaks a claw soon.  That might cut down on the messages.  Anyway, he sent a message a bit ago saying he heard more paws in the house than expected, and had we allowed more siblings in.  What does he expect?  The monkey and the bear were very nice, and it would have been horrible of us to make them remain homeless when we have a cozy spot here.  We're up to 779 siblings.  And then he sent another message wanting to know why we hopped home with that roll of brown paper last night, and why we keep popping out to check the rummage sale stuff we have stashed away, and are we plotting another sale?  Not that we plan to share the news with that cat, but yes we are, and the paper is for duplicating quilt patterns to sale to others, to encourage sewing!  Encouraging sewing and putting money in our little bunny coffers, just a perfect plan, don't you think?  And we would like to remind Brother once more, he DESERTED!  We can do whatever we want, and he has no right to complain after abandoning us the way he did.  Really, if he thinks what we're planning is so wrong, why isn't he hurrying to move back in and stop us?

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