Saturday, September 29, 2012

Country Libraries

The bunnies didn't get to the country this weekend, but I am a bit concerned about what they did manage to do. The lot of them did a bit of checking, and it seems that all of the branches of the country libraries are separate, requiring one card for each place, so now they are talking about hopping around to every branch, to collect a pile of cards, and thus a pile of BOOKS! Isn't the one library they visited bad enough? I don't even want to imagine what the other country libraries are like after how rabbit friendly one of them was. Really, they put it underground like a burrow. Why didn't they just hang up a sign saying they love rabbits, and put a little door to the side to make it easier for them to hop in? And one of the other places where a library is located is named after a vegetable, so I'm sure it is even more rabbit friendly. Doomed, I am doomed! They will get a pile of cards, and hop home with a mountain of books on vegetables and work!

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