Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Sorry we haven't posted in a few days.  Just wanted to give you a report of current happenings.  First, Easter went well for a change.  Betsy was unable to escape from the grandhuman's room, so our leader was able to actually deliver his baskets to those they were intended for for a change.  We hope that the shock of actually getting their basket this year wasn't too much for anyone.  Leader was also very impressed with our continuing efforts to find work, which is continuing well.  We dropped in yesterday and talked to the lady in charge of the program again, and got a look at the potential pattern we might be teaching.  It's very nice, and we're really looking forward to teaching it if we're hired for it.  We hope if we are that we will have a chance to assist the students in selecting their fabric as well, instead of their just bringing it in already picked for the class.  That would be so much fun to help with that and show people how to make different colors and textures work together.  Also, we hopped by a nursery yesterday and bought a couple of lovely herbs that we needed, if you were wondering about the kitty shrieking.  And then we visited the homeless shelter and took in a needly panda, bringing our sibling total to 909.  We're thinking of going by the fabric store again tomorrow, so please cover your ears accordingly.  And we might go by the teddy adoption center too, so much kitty shrieking is anticipated.  Brace yourselves.

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