Monday, December 10, 2012

Rabbit Horde

The human let eleven bunnies hop out with her this afternoon, when she went to visit a lawyer. Why she needed to let the bunnies accompany her to a legal office is something I will never understand, but they have convinced her totally of the power of their feet to bring good luck, so they get a trip whenever she heads into any situation involving legal matters. They have her conned completely. Anyway, they came back chattering to themselves. Apparently they stopped at the homeless shelter looking to pick up one of my reindeer siblings' relations, only to find that they must make arrangements for her arrival via the internet, so now they are demanding I get off of here so they can by the deer a bus ticket to the house. And you know that they will insist that she doesn't travel alone so who knows how many siblings I might end up with soon!

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