Saturday, June 9, 2012

Horrors! Oh, Horrors!

It's Sir Pinky. The bunnies are in the bathtub, so I was able to sneak on. They're scrubbing those long, floppy ears at the moment, so I'm sure they'll be awhile. Oh, you won't believe the horror that happened today. Those rabbits fixed up the first of their beds, made from a pallet. It's out in the garden now, alarmingly close to my catnip patch, and filled with 24+ tomato plants! Over twenty four tomatoes, and that is in addition to the plants they already own, and the seedlings they have sprouting. And according to them, it's just the start of their planting too They're planning to hop to the store tomorrow to get more dirt, to construct more beds! The neighborhood is doomed! Doomed, I say! As soon as they finish planting the tomatoes, they intend to move along to cucumbers, and the aggressive watermelon! We are all doomed!

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