Saturday, November 7, 2015

Today's Kitty Complaints

Brother is still complaining about the teddies we allowed to move in a few days ago.  We're really sorry about that and the noise he is making, but at least all of you are only having to hear the shrieks.  We are getting besieged with texts, complaining about the loud noise of dinosaur footsteps and demanding to know what size of creature we have allowed into the house.  Barnaby is a brontosaurus, really, can't Brother just go to wikipedia and find out his size instead of bothering us with complaints?  Also, he is now complaining about hearing paws clicking buttons and is demanding to know if we have been making online purchases again.  We most certainly have, and it was a book featuring a kitty too, so Brother has no right to complain!  He needs therapy, he really does.  Abandoning us and our poor human too, and then thinking that he has the right to dictate what we can and can't do, even though he doesn't live her any more.  Such horrible, awful nerve!

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