Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday's Kitty Fit

Sorry for the noise today.  We hopped to the fabric store to take advantage of a great coupon only to learn they were having a sale on the dies for our lovely little fabric cutting machine.  We got a new die, and a cutting mat, and are debating buying a few more things.  Really, we're very sorry and we hope the kitty shrieks didn't disturb you too much.  And we hope the shrieks this afternoon didn't disrupt your trip home.  We went to a church craft sale this afternoon and were promptly bombarded with texts from Brother demanding to know what we were doing in a church on a day that wasn't Sunday, and was the paper right that there was a craft sale in progress, and for us to just get our cotton tails out at once.  Really, why can't someone confiscate his phone?  How did he get his paws on a phone in his hide out anyway?

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