Friday, November 5, 2010

Horrible News

Horrible news. The human's Uncle Henry was convicted of grand larceny, and sent to the state pen for three years. You should have seen how happy she was to find this news. She was practically bouncing when she came home, and waving the papers around, that provided the information on his conviction. Now she's making plans to write the state archives right away to get any records they have on his jail time. And since she's going to be writing them, I just know she'll go ahead and ask for other records too. That tree is bound to grow by leaps and bounds soon. Really, would it have killed Uncle Henry to have stayed on the straight and narrow?


  1. It`s hard to understand humans isn`t it Sir Pinky? What did you wish to know about goats?

  2. It's the rabbits who are really interested. It's for the human's noveling horror. The bunnies would like to know how goat products such as cheese and butter are made.
