Sunday, June 20, 2010

Latest Rabbit Issues

I need some sort of control for the television. The bunnies got their paws on the remote, and were poking around, looking for a gardening special, when they came upon a program on all of those big mouthed birds who have managed to get their feathers oily. The bunnies were very impressed with the size of the mouths on those things, and the next thing I knew, they were speculating about how much produce the pelicans could carry, and about how they would surely be cheaper that purchasing baskets and bags to haul their veggies. The bunnies are hard at work now on fliers to be distributed to those birds, offering them accommodations here, and a free oil removal in exchange for assistance with gardening duties. The penguins are in the back by the pool, putting up nests for them, too! Have you ever heard of such? And what if all of those pesky pelicans come up? Can you imagine how much produce they could carry for the rabbits?

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