Monday, March 31, 2014
New Seed
Brother doesn't know it yet, but when the human was picking up the bunny vitamins yesterday, she also got two more packs of seed for us, a pack of watermelon and a pack of tomatoes. We're thinking of planting them tomorrow. Won't Brother be so pleased with that, and we swear we are letting the watermelon move in next to HIS heater!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
More Brother Complaints
Now Brother is complaining because the human bought us a bottle of bunny vitamins. Vitamin A, an excellent vitamin for bunnies, and the bottle was on sale, too, so we got a really good deal. You would think Brother wants us to be unhealthy with how he is complaining!
Saturday, March 29, 2014
New Siblings
We happened to visit a church that was having the nicest bake sale today, and we ran into the nicest teddy kitty and pup. They happened to be homeless, and of course what could we do but invite them to move in right away. We have 802 siblings now. We thought Brother would actually be happy, at least about the kitty. After all, he's a cat. Shouldn't he approve of us giving a home to his fellow feline? But he is claiming that her teddyishness outweights her felineness, and that we should be ashamed of letting more siblings in. There is no pleasing that cat!
sibling count,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Friday, March 28, 2014
Not Again!
Not again! We just heard the weatherman mentioning possible snow lurking in the forecast once more! Shouldn't such continuing snowy weather violate some sort of law, possibly the one about cruel and unusual punishment? The start of gardening season gets pushed back further with every flake that falls, so it is surely nightmarishly cruel punishment for rabbits!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Tomorrow's Weather
We are expecting rain tomorrow, but when we hopped out with the human to her doctor's appointment, we couldn't help but notice it was rather nippy out. What if it turns cold enough for this expected rain to turn into snow? We wouldn't be surprised if Brother arranged something like that, to lull us into a false sense of security and then hit us with more SNOW!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
At Least It Melted
At least the snow melted. That is one good thing, anyway. We were sure with how hard it was coming down last night that we were doomed to a blizzard. But now we have more worries. What if Brother gets disappointed this latest snow didn't inconvenience us for longer, and decides to dance up more bad weather?
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Today's Weather
You won't believe this, but we have more SNOW! Isn't Brother getting tired of dancing up snow by now? You would think he would be tired of it, but apparently not. We have got to find a store that sells little chains for kitten paws, to stop this dancing. Surely some store has them. We are never going to accomplish a thing with snow on the ground every time we turn around! What is Brother thinking? You would think he would want there to be decent weather so at least we could hop out of the house, wouldn't you? After all, he's always complaining about how many of us are in here. Why wouldn't he want us to be able to go outdoors?
Monday, March 24, 2014
Helping the Human
In addition to complaining about the movies we watch, now Brother is complaining once more about hearing us clicking on the computer, and helping the human earn free books. We just ordered another 25 dollars worth of book certificates, and you should have heard the resulting kitty shouts that resulted as we clicked order. We don't know why Brother objects so to the books. Some of the books the human gets star kitties. Shouldn't Brother approve of the human reading such literature?
Sir Pinky the Cat
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Hopping Encouragement
We managed to get out of the house and to that lovely frog film. So nice, and there was so much hopping in it. We feel bouncy just thinking about all of the frog leaps and Brother feels annoyed. He shouldn't be surprised, though, The movie is by our mouse siblings' large cousin, and Brother knows he's a friend to bunnies. Of course he would encourage hopping!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Movie Tomorrow
We're scheduled to see a lovely frog film tomorrow, but we're not sure how in the world we are going to get out of the house. Brother is pitching a fit because he heard us discussing this movie, saying it can only lead to the encouragement of hopping. He'll probably try to escape his pen if he hears us at the door. Do you think we could poke earmuffs over those pointy little ears of his, so we could leave the house safely?
Friday, March 21, 2014
More Seed Space
We hopped out with the humans today and got another lovely little pan to convert into a mini-greenhouse for our seed. It's deeper than our other one, so we think we might move our maturing squash seedlings in there to allow space for other plants in the other pan. Needless to say, Brother was not happy, but really, we don't think he has a case at all for suing the store who sold this to us, for encouraging the growth of massive amounts of vegetables.
expanding seed space,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Missed Call
The human thought that she was supposed to go to the doctor today, but due to a missed call, she wasn't able to go. And we are suspicious of this missed call, for who is living right next to the phone but BROTHER! We bet he managed to somehow damage the phone and block this call during one of his little escapes from his pen. Now our poor human has to wait over a week to see the doctor and Brother gets to avoid any fur loss for even longer!
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
The human is feeling much better, finally. But now she is concerned that this extended illness might be due to the return of her cat allergy. So Brother is going to have to provide more fur samples to be taken to the doctor so the human can be desensitized. We wonder how much fur we will need to collect? Brother is rather fluffy, so we think we could easily get a lovely bushel of fur. (hehehehehehehe)
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Today's Human Report
The human is feeling a little better today, but she has still left us in charge while she is taken to her bed with the yucky cold. The doctor called in another five days of antibiotics, so we are anticipating running things for at least that long. Won't Brother be so pleased when we give him that lovely news!
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Monday, March 17, 2014
Human's Illness
The human is still sick. Poor human. Her nose is bright red, and her cheeks and ears are all achy still. She's feeling a tiny bit better than yesterday, but it looks like we're going to be in charge of Brother for who knows how long due to this. We wonder what sort of salad he would like for breakfast tomorrow?
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Sunday, March 16, 2014
The Tub
Perhaps Brother is showing some signs of improvement! He actually leaped into the bathtub today! Granted, there was no water in it at the time, but we can still hope that it is a good sign. Perhaps he is even thinking of doing a bit of work that would result in his fur needing to be scrubbed afterwards. Wouldn't that be perfect?
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Our neighbor decided to clear some land today, we believe in preparation for gardening season. Normally, we would be thrilled by this, but he decided to clear this land with a minor fire. Fire and our poor human is highly allergic to smoke! What in the world was that human thinking? Our poor human's a poor, red nosed, stopped up allergic mess now as a result.
crippled human,
gardening neighbor,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Friday, March 14, 2014
Human's Still Sick
The human's still sick and spent most of the day in bed. And Brother spent most of the day pitching a huge fit over the fact that we are in charge of things. We're surprised the human managed to sleep through his ranting, but the anti-histamine did a good job of knocking her out at least. Poor human. And there's a book sale she wants to limp to tomorrow too.
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Thursday, March 13, 2014
The Human
The poor human is sick with a cold, so our post will be very short tonight. Due to her illness, and doping on anti-histamines, we have been placed in charge of feeding Brother! We're sensing a ton of salads in his future!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
True Horrors
It is horrible, truly horrible! Snow is falling! Ice is falling! How are we going to break ground for our garden with such terrible, awful weather? It just started a bit ago, and it looks terrible out there, all wet and cold and utterly unsuitable for gardening. And we are sure Brother is somehow to blame. Just because we have threatened to put him to work gardening, that is no reason to dance up such awful weather!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
We were watching TV with Brother again tonight, or rather trying to watch tv over his complaints about the show. There wasn't a pair of long, floppy ears or a fuzzy cotton tail in sight, so we don't know what he had such a problem with. Anyway, we saw a sign for a dancing show while we were viewing our program, and now we are concerned. What if Brother watches this show and gets bad ideas? It's on our mouse siblings' large cousin's network. Do you think he checks out the dances, to make sure they are safe for public viewing, and more importantly for kitten viewing, before airing them? Brother does NOT need to learn more weather dances!
Monday, March 10, 2014
Horrible Weather Report
It is horrible, just horrible! The weather is once more calling for SNOW! We should have known Brother was up to something with how he has been hopping around, but we didn't think he would be this evil to our poor human. She is in even worse pain tonight, and it is all that kitten's fault! We ought to put chains on his paws to prevent any more weather dances! And he tries to complain about bunnies dancing.
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Television Tonight
We watched some lovely programing by our mouse brother and sister's large cousins this evening, and we had Brother watch with us. You would have thought he was being tortured instead of entertained from the fit that he pitched as soon as we drug him to his seat in front of the tv. We don't know why he has a problem with family entertainment, but he kept ranting about it being some part of a mouse plot, and he doesn't want to see the bad weather that this block of episodes will cause after how the show's Frankenstein episode triggered that minor storm up North. Such a paranoid kitty. Just because this show features the witch from Oz. There is no reason to assume tornadoes will hit at any time.
Once Upon a Time,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Poor, Poor Human
The human is feeling awful tonight with her poor, poor leg. And her doctor is out of town next week so there will be no relief for her, except this mint oil she has been using that works a tiny bit. Do you think we ought to plant some nice mint seeds for her? Maybe fresh plants would work better, and we are SURE the aggressiveness of the mint plant has been exaggerated.
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Friday, March 7, 2014
More Seed Progress!
Things are going so well! Our lemon cucumber is already sprouting, so we went ahead and moved it into the container with the squash and peppers. And then we moved loofa gourd, pear gourd and honeydew or cantaloupe melon seeds into the bag for sprouting! This is working GREAT! by the time we start to break ground on our garden, we are sure to have a ton of plants. We just wish Brother would stop complaining. A few hundred melon or cantaloupe seeds are NOT a threat to society as we know it!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Seed Progress
Our seed are doing so well, in their new little home in front of the heater, we can't wait to get a few more dishes of seed started, and we think the next batch will be located next to Brother's heater. We just have to select the plants we want to be his neighbors. We think some watermelon, and possibly squash will keep him in line nicely, don't you think? Maybe cucumbers will keep him under control too.
expanding seed space,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Seed Progress
Our seed are doing so well, in their new little home in front of the heater, we can't wait to get a few more dishes of seed started, and we think the next batch will be located next to Brother's heater. We just have to select the plants we want to be his neighbors. We think some watermelon, and possibly squash will keep him in line nicely, don't you think? Maybe cucumbers will keep him under control too.
expanding seed space,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Seed Progress
Our seed are doing so well, in their new little home in front of the heater, we can't wait to get a few more dishes of seed started, and we think the next batch will be located next to Brother's heater. We just have to select the plants we want to be his neighbors. We think some watermelon, and possibly squash will keep him in line nicely, don't you think? Maybe cucumbers will keep him under control too.
expanding seed space,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Seed Progress
Our seed are doing so well, in their new little home in front of the heater, we can't wait to get a few more dishes of seed started, and we think the next batch will be located next to Brother's heater. We just have to select the plants we want to be his neighbors. We think some watermelon, and possibly squash will keep him in line nicely, don't you think? Maybe cucumbers will keep him under control too.
expanding seed space,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Seed Progress
Our seed are doing so well, in their new little home in front of the heater, we can't wait to get a few more dishes of seed started, and we think the next batch will be located next to Brother's heater. We just have to select the plants we want to be his neighbors. We think some watermelon, and possibly squash will keep him in line nicely, don't you think? Maybe cucumbers will keep him under control too.
expanding seed space,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Seed Sprouting
Our squash seeds are sprouting, and the habenero peppers too! Brother is not pleased at all, but we have moved the seed into a new, expanded home, that we have tucked on a raised platform in front of one of the heaters. If it works well for these seed, perhaps we will take over Brother's heater next. Do you suppose he would mind having a tray full of watermelon as a neighbor?
expanding seed space,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
In the Mail
We got a lovely letter from the local teddy adoption center today, looking for homes for the nicest looking bunnies. They even offered large discounts on adoptions to help these rabbits hop into a home faster. We are so sure Brother is up to something, that just might be the solution we need, getting some more bunny siblings to help us keep an eye on him!
Sir Pinky the Cat,
teddy adoption center
Monday, March 3, 2014
Monday Human Report
The human is still in pain, and we are still convinced Brother is somehow to blame. Maybe he is hoping to cripple her even worse so he can do whatever he wants. Only a thin bit of mesh protects us from him, after all, and when the human let him have a bit of freedom in her room a little while ago, he delighted in pushing some of us around. We are going to have to keep a close, close eye on that cat.
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Snow and Ice
Snow and ice are due here tonight. The human is in horrible pain, too, so we fear this could be terrible indeed. And would you believe that we spotted Brother trying to damage our little quilts? It is like he wants us to be COLD!
crippled human,
Sir Pinky the Cat,
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Saturday Report
Brother isn't happy with us. We hopped out with the human this morning, and managed to find eight lovely quilt books packed full of patterns that we just had to get. Then we paid a little visit to the co-op to try to find something to help the human's poor, poor leg. There were the nicest farmers there, from a location near Brother's former hiding place in the country. They had little grass samples that they said were excellent for kitties. We grabbed one right away! Now Brother is going to be forced to munch GRASS! It's only a short step from grass to VEGETABLES!
crippled human,
food co-op,
Sir Pinky the Cat
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